The Lyon Shred

The Original And Most Popular Program

What Is Included In The Lyon Shred?

The Lyon Shred is two parts, workout program and meal plan, both fully customized to you based on your goals. We’ll dig deep into what it is you want to achieve with me and this program and how we will take you through the exact transformation you want.

Workout Program

The workout program is a full 90-day program with 2 full sets of workouts. I lay out exactly what workout to do each day for 3 months so there’s no guesswork. I’ll also lay out exactly how many sets and reps to do of every exercise, and I include my own explanations of how to do every single movement. If there’s an exercise you don’t know how to do, I also include video tutorials for every exercise so there’s no guesswork on form or technique.

Meal Plan

The meal plan comes with 3 full sets of meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) plus multiple snack options. I calculate exactly how many calories you should be eating for your goals, and I craft the meal plan around that, following an optimal macromolecule breakdown between proteins, carbs, and fats. I lay out exactly what foods to eat for each meal, how much to use of each ingredient, and HOW to make the meals. The most complex meal would be at max 4-6 ingredients. The most complicated thing you’d have to cook would be chicken breast or salmon in the oven or on a stovetop. I also throw in a full restaurant guide so you know exactly what to eat on the go.

Weekly Check-ins and Accountability

Then the other huge piece is accountability. You get weekly checkins with me, so we can assess progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure you continue making progress throughout the program. I’ll also remain an open contact 24/7 when you have questions along the way. Additionally, you’ll gain access to my private client Facebook page where my clients from all over the world keep each other motivated and accountable to our goals. This program as compared to most others will stop you from making any excuses you may have because you’ll have both me and a group holding you to your commitment to the program.

I like to emphasize that community is crucial because it’s exactly what got me to really make the commitment to my own fitness. Knowing others are going through the same thing you are, and knowing there’s a network of people to help you stay accountable is invaluable.

And that’s the Lyon Shred. 


How Did The Lyon Shred Come To be?

Growing up, I felt insecure in my body from a young age. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, and I wanted to change that. I started working out at the age of 10 years old with bodyweight exercises in my house. In the years that followed, I got really good at push-ups and sit-ups, but I still felt insecure in my body because I basically looked the same.

Years later, after developing an in-depth understanding of both exercise and nutrition, fitness transformed my body, my life, and my confidence in myself. I didn’t achieve my dream body overnight, but I was a heck of a lot closer to it and I felt amazing.

Because of my gains in strength and confidence, I decided to put my abilities to the test and applied for American Ninja Warrior…and I was rejected. I was a junior in college at the time and I had so many other priorities, from homework to friends to pursuing internships, but I chose to prioritize my fitness journey.

Over the next year of my life, I researched all things health, fitness, nutrition, exercise, and strength on a near-daily basis. I applied what I learned to my own training and diet and literally got in the best shape of my life. The next season of American Ninja Warrior came around, I applied, and this time I MADE IT!!!

From the moment I got the call to the moment I would compete, I had exactly five weeks. I applied everything I’d learned and practiced and refined my physique and my abilities to yet another level I had never achieved before.

Five weeks later, I competed on the show in Season 10 in Dallas, and it was the most larger-than-life experience I’ve ever had. Truthfully, I didn’t do too well on the course. And while I wish I would have had a better performance that night, it didn’t matter. I set a goal for myself, I executed on it, and I showed up in top physical condition. I loved the way I looked, I loved the way I felt, and I loved the level of strength I had achieved. For me, that was a massive win.

Then, rather than let my lackluster performance on the course be the end of my journey, I looked back on the previous year of my life and everything I had done to get to this moment, everything I had done to transform my body to make that moment possible. I took everything I had learned, based on my experiences and the current scientific research in the field, and created the Lyon Shred.


Why Did I Create The Lyon Shred?

I created the Lyon Shred because fitness genuinely changed my life. I went from being insecure in my body to being in the best shape of my life, and that change impacted every area of my life for the better. It shaped who I am today, my confidence in myself, and my ability to enjoy life to the fullest. If there was a way I could influence that same change in others’ lives, to me there’s nothing better than that. And that IS the Lyon Shred.


Who Is The Lyon Shred For?

Because the program is customized to each individual, I have worked with students, actors, models, tech professionals, consultants, healthcare workers, moms, dads, college and professional athletes, active military, fitness coaches and trainers, and more, ranging from age 13 to 50+. Unless you’re currently living a completely unsustainable and unhealthy lifestyle in a multitude of ways, the Lyon Shred isn’t something that requires your substantially alter your lifestyle; the Lyon Shred is about fitting fitness into your lifestyle.


What If I’ve Never Worked Out Before Or Have Minimal Experience In The Gym?

I’ve designed the Lyon Shred to take out all the guesswork, so no prior experience is required. I teach you literally everything you need to know through the program, and I’m available throughout the entire process to ensure you succeed. I’ve had many clients on the program who’ve never worked out in the gym before my program, and they have absolutely crushed it.


How Many Days Per Week Do I Have To Work Out?

I have clients working out anywhere from 3-6 days per week, but I generally recommend 5-6. This is customized to each client, and we will agree upon a number of days before I create your program.


What If I Don’t Have Access To A Gym?

I have created at-home programs for many clients, but I do require that at the bare minimum you have access to a bench, dumbbells, resistance bands, and a doorframe pull-up bar. If you have access to an apartment gym with these minimum requirements, I can customize your program around your apartment gym as well. However, if at all possible, I strongly recommend getting a gym membership at a national chain gym or other large gym because the variety of machines and the limitless weight potential across barbells and dumbbells allows for accelerated progress, progressive overload, and exercise variety that simply isn’t possible in an at-home or apartment gym environment.


What If I Already Eat “Healthy?”

Transforming your body goes beyond simply eating healthy foods. The specific number of calories, the specific foods you’re eating, and the macromolecule breakdown of proteins, carbs, and fats play the greatest role in the physical transformation of your body, even moreso than the workouts you do.

If you already have a strong grasp of nutrition and are completely content with all of the foods you already eat/aren’t willing to follow meals in a meal plan, then I recommend my mid-tier meal plan. In my mid-tier meal plan, I calculate exactly how many calories you should be eating based on your goals, frequency of workouts, and various other factors. I then also provide specific macro recommendations to follow to optimize your diet and accelerate progress. This would give you more freedom to eat what you normally do, just with specific goals to fit within. Then, just as with my full meal plan, I can make adjustments to your macros and needed throughout the program to ensure you continue making progress.


What If I Have Dietary Restrictions/Preferences?

All meal plans take into account clients’ dietary restrictions and preferences.

For vegan clients, I have a separate vegan meal plan option available that I’ve created in collaboration with a vegan fitness coach. Alternatively, some of my vegan clients opt to do my mid-tier meal plan described above (macros).

If you’re following the keto diet or any variation of a low carb diet, I recommend my mid-tier meal plan unless you’re willing to try a more structured approach with higher carbs on my full meal plan; I’ve had clients on the keto diet who’ve had success with both options.



Free Trial




Your Text




or $1000


Customized Workout Program and Workout Program Guidelines

Customized Meal Plan, Meal Plan Guidelines, AND 

Restaurant Recommendations

Weekly Check-Ins & Programming Adjustments As Needed

 24/7 Access to Patrick Lyons for Support and Questions

Access to Lyon Shred Community




or $950


Customized Workout Program and Workout Program Guidelines

Customized Macros/Calorie Calculations, Meal Plan Guidelines, AND Restaurant Recommendations

Weekly Check-Ins & Programming Adjustments As Needed

 24/7 Access to Patrick Lyons for Support and Questions

Access to Lyon Shred Community




or $870 


Customized Workout Program and Workout Program Guidelines

Customized Macros/Calorie Calculations, Meal Plan Guidelines, AND Restaurant Recommendations

Weekly Check-Ins & Programming Adjustments As Needed

 24/7 Access to Patrick Lyons for Support and Questions

Access to Lyon Shred Community

Meal Plan 



or $870


Customized Workout Program and Workout Program Guidelines

Customized Macros/Calorie Calculations, Meal Plan Guidelines, AND Restaurant Recommendations

Weekly Check-Ins & Programming Adjustments As Needed

 24/7 Access to Patrick Lyons for Support and Questions

Access to Lyon Shred Community

Mid-Tier Meal Plan



or $810


Customized Workout Program and Workout Program Guidelines

Customized Macros/Calorie Calculations, Meal Plan Guidelines, AND Restaurant Recommendations

Weekly Check-Ins & Programming Adjustments As Needed

 24/7 Access to Patrick Lyons for Support and Questions

Access to Lyon Shred Community

Pricing Table Plugin